新学生 建议 & 放置 Testing
加勒特学院的顾问明白,学术建议是帮助学生实现其教育目标的关键组成部分. 新学生, transfer students, 在长时间休息后返回加勒特学院的学生必须参加一个 新学生 建议 appointment to complete the final steps to becoming enrolled.
- 放置 indicator explanation
- Degree or major selection
- Course selection and sequence
- Academic support resources
- Career and transfer guidance
- Graduation requirements
All 新学生 建议 appointments, 除非特别注明, include student network access (student username and password), general welcome information, advising and course registration, parent information, and visits to other college departments as needed. Tours of our residence halls are also available.
我们鼓励学生带着家长/监护人参加新生辅导. 需要分班测试和咨询的学生应该计划在校园大约三个小时.
Once accepted, 所有新生和转学生必须通过招生办公室致电301-387-3044或发电子邮件至admissions@garrettcollege预约新生咨询.edu.
延长假期后返回加勒特学院的学生也应致电301-387-3044与招生办公室联系. 休学时间少于四个学期的学生可以联系咨询中心 & 学业成功中心直接致电301-387-3715查询返校事宜.
冬天 & 春季新生辅导课程只在以下日期预约. 希望参加冬季课程的学生需要在12月16日之前选择通知日期. 请电子邮件 admissions@soseco.net or call 301-387-3044 to schedule your appointment.
December and January – In-Person
In-person appointments are available on the following dates:- Friday, Dec 06
- Thursday, Dec 12
- Monday, Dec 16
- Wednesday, Jan 15
- Friday, Jan 17
December and January – Virtual
对于满足特定资格要求的学生,可以在有限的基础上进行虚拟预约. 我们要求所有在四小时车程范围内的学生安排一个面对面的咨询预约.- Friday, Dec 13
- Thursday, Jan 16
High School GPA
Applicants with a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 or above (on 4.被允许在入学后立即注册入门大学水平课程(eng101和MAT 105或210). 除了, 在高中成功完成微积分或微积分预科课程并取得B或更高成绩的学生可以在入学后立即参加相关课程.
Applicants with a cumulative high school GPA between 1.5和2.49 (on 4.(0分)则须修读订明的辅修课程, 哪些课程是与大学水平课程同时进行的. 学生将在顾问的协助下做出决定. 补习课程不可转学,也不适用于完成学位或证书.
Accuplacer Next Generation
Applicants with a high school GPA below 1.5名学生需要参加Accuplacer Next Generation分班评估,以确定课程分班. See next dropdown page for further details.
行为/ SAT分数 | Course 放置 |
ACT英语达到21分或以上*或* SAT批判性阅读达到480分或以上 | ENG 101; no remediation |
ACT math of 21 or higher or SAT math of 530 and higher | MAT 105; no remediation |
Transfer Credit
正式的大学成绩单必须在加勒特学院招生办公室存档,然后才能确定安置,为转学生提供建议和注册. Both transfer credits and high school GPA will be considered.
For questions about placement indicators, contact the 建议 & Academic Success Center by phone at 301-387-3715 or email at aasc@soseco.net.
Accuplacer via Zoom at Home
Accuplacer分班测试可用于接受的新学生远程使用Zoom视频会议技术. For remote placement testing with Zoom:
- Student must have access to a laptop or desktop computer
- Computer must have video and audio capabilities
- 测试必须在有限干扰的私人区域进行
- 考试将由加勒特学院的监考人员通过Zoom视频会议技术进行监控
- Student must present photo ID prior to testing
- Student must schedule an appointment in advance
Accuplacer at Garrett College
Accuplacer分班测试适用于加勒特学院麦克亨利分校录取的新生, 医学校区. For in-person placement testing:
- Student must schedule an appointment in advance
- Student must present photo ID prior to testing
- Testing will take place in the 建议 & Academic Success Center (room 519)
- Testing will be monitored by a Garrett College test proctor
Remote and in-person appointments are available weekly. Contact Nick Pratt (nick.pratt@soseco.net) in the 建议 & Academic Success Center to schedule.
Self-paced Online Refresher Courses
自定进度,在线,免费的进修课程也提供给学生. 这些课程以方便和灵活的在线形式提供内容. 学生可以从任何连接互联网的设备上访问课程. 这些课程提供了数学和写作/阅读的概述,并提供了详细的示例和视频,以帮助刷技能并为分班考试做准备.
Accuplacer Free Study App
该应用程序将允许用户在阅读理解方面进行复习和练习测试, sentence skills, elementary algebra, 算术, and college level math. Visit Accuplacer Site or view a PDF of Sample Questions
Garrett College 放置 Testing Site
Garrett College’s 放置 Testing LibGuide 包含了Accuplacer下一代分班考试的详细信息, test taking tips, sample questions, and simulator tests.
Common Core State Standards App
A great reference for students; quickly find standards by subject. App includes Math standards K-12 and Language Arts standards K-12, with the Corresponding College and Career Readiness Standards. Available for both Apple and Android devices. 免费的.
可汗学院 是一个免费的非盈利组织,在任何地方为任何人提供世界一流的教育吗. 资源包括练习练习、教学视频和个性化学习仪表板.
对分班考试成绩不满意的学生可以考虑重新考试. 只有当学生能够证明他或她在第一次测试后完成了一种学术干预方法时,才允许重新测试, such as using the Self-Paced Online Refresher Courses. See Preparing for Accuplacer dropdown. 没有任何形式的干预,学生不得重新测试.
For questions about testing, contact the 建议 & Academic Success Center by phone at 301-387-3715 or email at testingcenter@soseco.net.
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建议 Info
步骤 to Enrollment Checklist
Parent/Guardian Release For Students Under 18